Downsizing, Homesteading and Off-Grid Living
The following pages show my alternative off-grid life style, the log cabin and house I built, how I live in a tiny space, and make the best use of what I have. Find out how I generate electricity in a challenging environment. There are also tools to help you design your own ____ (fill in the gap).
Learn how I built a log cabin with vertical logs and an earthship inspired house.
Includes photo gallery with description.
An overview of the hybrid off-grid power supply which includes solar PV panels and a micro-hydro generator. These two systems perfectly complement each other through the seasons.
Solar Site Design
If you want to design a building or a site for optimum solar placement, or want to install a solar power system, you need to know if the sun will be shaded out by surrounding structures or trees in the winter months. In the winter you can simply look at the sun's position to see how high it is above the horizon. But what do you do if you are designing the site or want to install some panels in the summer. Will they still get the sun later in the year?
You can use the moon to find out. How?
Solar Dehydrator
Introduction to my new radiant solar dehydrator of the Larissa Walk type. Mostly an image dump of a prototype, but will be extended in future.
The main areas covered here are/will be a dry compost toilet, urine recycling, kitchen compost, paper, grey water, general refuse, and other oddments. Starting with the compost toilet.
Human Powered
A resource page with many links on human powered devices, including pedal generators, universal drivers, hovercraft and many more.
Related articles and sections
Free creative problem solving guide
When you design a system or anything else, or need to solve some problem, it helps to have a step-by-step guide as a framework for your imagination.
Wild Food section
Several articles on wild food as well as a free downloadable foraging guide.
It helps to be organised with all ventures. This section has many tools for the job.
Running a small online business, or planning to? Find technical and other tips and ideas in this section. There is a green slant on some of the information.
Make it!
DIY and other home-made information.
Sometimes you just need that kick in the butt or inspiration to do it. Get it from the About page and the Empowerment articles.