Info Store, Prep & Poop

The information on this page is only a brief sample of the complete text in the guide. To access the full information please purchase the guide at


Coumarin is a moderate …. and …. toxin. It is present in ……


Often wild plants are only available or at their best for short periods, when they may also be abundant. Just like their domesticated cousins they can be preserved in a number of ways to be available out of season. They may be dried, pickled or fermented like sauerkraut. Whilst detailed instructions and recipes are beyond this guide, I will give a few basic ones here.

Read additional information in the Plant Parts section.


There are several methods for drying, however there are a few points which apply to all.

For best results

  • pick just before flowering
  • pick after the dew has evaporated and before the sun drives off some of the essential oils
  • discard any dead or damaged leaves, and remove insects and debris
  • avoid drying plants for consumption which contain coumarin as it becomes more potent when dried - however, the sweet smell will be enhanced and would make a pleasant potpourri

You can find out how to store in vacuum jars with little cost in an articleat on (link in external link list - see last section on this page).

Bundle Drying

This is best suited for plants with …..

String Drying

This is best suited for ….

Oven Drying

Oven drying is a quick and more reliable way to ….

Dehydrator Drying

If you have a food dehydrator, whether electric or solar, you will already have the required experience which can be applied to wild food.


Some plants or parts of plants need to be prepared in special ways to make them either safe, palatable, or digestible, e.g. ….

Refer to the warning notes for individual plants for more information. Follow advice to cook a plant or part of it, or leach some chemical, if it is indicated.


Leaching is the process of soaking the plant or its parts in water to wash away some undesirable substances. This may be in ….

The process will be more thorough and fast if …..

Leaching is an imprecise science and general instructions could ….

This method is best reserved for plants which …..

 How best to eat wild plants

Use wild plants in ….

Cooking and changing water can reduce ….

Where wild foods have no domestic counterpart, general advice on preparation is given in the section on the relevant part, e.g. birch sap on the sap page.


Juicing is a way of getting concentrated goodness from plant material, and can also make nutrients available from otherwise …..

Even when the taste is unpleasant, juice can be quickly washed down or mixed with more pleasant tasting fruit juices.

Leaves and stems are best juiced in an …..

Some roots and fruit are best …..


In a survival situation use …..

Avoid the use of ……

It is best to juice …..

To prevent oxidation (browning) of some juice…..

For ease of digestion, drink ……


Lactofermentation is not only an excellent method to preserve food, but also a way to greatly improves the food's nutritional value. It is particularly suited to …..

Lactic fermentation may also destroy or reduce…..

The bacteria partly digest the food and manufacture many vitamins, as well as ……

The growth of beneficial bacteria can be encouraged by ……

Lactic fermentation requires some care and understanding to ensure success. However, it is not too difficult, and it is worth acquiring the knowledge and skill.

The subject is beyond this publication, but there is excellent information …..

The author, …., has done thorough research on the subject and has a number of relevant degrees. She covers all aspects of lactofermentation, including the right vessels to use, and explains essential technical information in layman's terms for more reliable fermentation. I highly recommend reading her articles and believe them to be more accurate than much of the online information and some of the popular fermentation books available.

Further reading:

….. - a website devoted to traditional cooking and cultured food (including kefir) with many recipes, including recipes for nut cheese and wheatgrass ginger beer, making the juice more palatable. This recipe could be adapted to perennial grasses and dandelion root for an all wild version of this fizzy drink (except for the sugar).

….. is a rich source of in-depth information on all things related to kefir. Kefir can be used to make a no-salt or low-salt sauerkraut - see …. for instructions and information. Additionally, …. has instructions on his website on how to make …… Highly recommended.


a list of the typical bacteria and yeasts found in water kefir

mesh "followers" to hold down kraut

science of lacto-fermentation

… jars with …. lids - recommended for smaller amounts of ferments. Read the article on the …. website mentioned above where …. explains why she only uses the … along with …. for larger amounts.

principle and practice of sauerkraut making

To view the above links in a full-size browser you can manually copy this link to your computer ….. where you will find the above links again.


We have gone from harvest to storage, preserving and preparing food, so let's end with the final stage of digestion - pooping. You can make a significant difference to your health not only by what you eat but also by how you eliminate waste products. The healthiest way to poop is …..

…. has written detailed information on the many benefits of …. and how to adapt …., so I will give a link to this fascinating book which he generously shares free online, though a paper copy can also be purchased. …. Health Benefits of ……

…… also sells ….., but if you wish to go the DIY route you will find enough inspiration from the photos to ……

 External Links

External Links - opens a temporary browser with a list of links (requires internet connection)